VIII. Targeting the Finish Line click thumbnail to view full size image Chapter 39: Our Plans – Interrupted Tutors preparing lessons in our living room Bular, Magdalena, and daughter ready for literacy class Mom with twins in class Students at work Berik Tutors weighing children Three Teachers’ Guides and Five Primers Chapter 41: 1000 in 10 Progress thermometers Essau and Peter translating Sue studying Chapter 42: Finish the Task! Berik tutors celebrate with empty boxes of the Gospel of mark Celebrating our 20th anniversary with our Sandakan friends Sefnad Berik helpers show Wayne the fruit bat they caught Aksamina teaching reading Chapter 44: The Last Verse Irene placing last period David and Scott type the last verse Chapter 45: Our Fourth Furlough Sefnad and Essau in Minnesota ← VII. Read It in Berik IX. Hallelujah! →