II. B. P. – Before Peter click thumbnail to view full size image Chapter 4: A City Girl’s Beginnings Sue with her mom and dad Sue’s Dad – Edgar Palmer Happy days in the snow Sue’s Grandma Sanders Grandma Sanders with her 3 children Nurse Sue – picture on Grandma Sanders’s mantel Sue’s Grandma and Grandpa Palmer Grandma and Grandpa Palmer with their 5 children Sue on her 7th birthday Sue and Mary Chapter 5: Happy Days Shattered Sue’s mother, Lucille Colfax Ave house Sue’s rosebud room Sue with Ice Skating club Sue and Mary with Frosty the snowman Bernadette – Sue’s best friend Chapter 6: A New Beginning Comes to a Sudden End Uncle Ray and Aunt Carol Sue – a student nurse High School graduation Chapter 7: A Nurse, At Last! Evie loved and nurtured Sue Sue – a camp nurse Sue – a nurse, at last ← I. Introduction III. Courtship and Borneo →