V. Laying the Foundation click thumbnail to view full size image Chapter 15: New Arrivals in Indonesia Sue in front of Bogor home Sue with house helpers, Titi and Armina Sue and her mother with David and hospital nurses Happy David David in his Johnny Jump-up Sue going for a ride in horse-drawn cart Chapter 16: Jayapura Jayapura Sue, David, and Peter Sue and David; with Bob and Joyce Sue and David at harbor to see Peter off on survey trip Chapter 17: God’s Clear Leading Sunarjo and David Regrouping supplies after boat was swamped at the mouth of the Tor River Peter and Sunarjo helped villagers to prepare a house for us Peter and Bob following the leader on a jungle path Chapter 18a: Getting Started – Medical Sue’s medicine shelves Helping your friends – picking lice out of each other’s hair Ulcer before treating girl’s foot Ulcer healed Chapter 18b: Getting Started – Building Airstrip Normal family river travel – by raft 60 men worked 6 months to build the airstrip Airstrip workers Completed Somanente airstrip Hurrah for mail days Chapter 19: You Gotta Learn the Language! Children on our front porch Peter recording a Berik lady’s story Isaskar carrying a wild boar home on his back Chapter 20: Baby Scotty’s Birth Mulia airstrip Peter and David at Dani home Dani baptism Dani ladies add fruit and vegetables to the cooking pit Dani men carrying a wild boar Two closed and steaming Dani cooking pits Dani men and women divide cooked meat and vegetables into family piles Sue on river-crossing bridge Peter, Sue, David, and Scotty with Sunarjo on his baptism celebration Scotty, Sue, Sunarjo, Peter, and David David and Scotty Chapter 21: It’s a Hostile Environment Peter with Japanese room-sized net acquired later Scotty and David under mosquito net Aunt Sally made for them Scotty Chapter 22: Conquering Major Milestones Scotty and David watch Peter light the lantern Berik woman carrying vegetables Augus during initiation activities Boaz with his bow and arrows Berik man with his spear Berik teen plays his mouth harp Chapter 23: The Good Life Sue sewing foot wound Chapter 24: Our First Furlough Scotty and David dressed for late Fall weather ← IV. Joining Wycliffe Bible Translators VI. God on the Move →